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God's strength is within us!

Updated: Apr 30, 2022

I chose the book of Colossians to start my devotional Bible study with. Colossians is a letter from Paul who was chosen by God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus, and from brother Timothy. this letter is to the faithful brothers and sisters of Christ in the city of Colosse.

I found this book to be a perfect fit for me to start my devotional Bible study, as this book talks about new beginnings and trusting god and laying all at the cross to start this new journey with God. I decide to break the book of Colossians into two sessions: Colossians 1-2, Colossians 3-4. I started by praying over the scripture to open my mind and heart to the scripture. this allows me to connect fully with the section of scripture I am about to read.

I read through the text once just reading, I then went through it again this time highlighting any verses which stuck out to me. I found my self asking questions about the scripture which lead to me creating the following response.

My response seemed to just pour out of me I could see this image of a tree growing from the heart of Christ. For me I felt that the heart represented God in the spiritual but the tree is me in the natural. Having the strength of God in my heart will enable me to grow and shine in life. That others will see the goodness of God's heart through me and the challenges I overcome, but also in the impact my actions make to the world around me. more and more I am feeling connected to the scripture so when I come back to it for a second session I found I fell into it quicker than before.

When reading Colossians 3-4 I found I was seeing rebirth, as it talks about the new life after being baptized. I really connected with as I am questioning myself on who I am, and what is it I want to represent in life. The main verse which stood out to me was about shedding your old life before dedicating you you committed to Christ. That now you should clothe yourself with mercy, kindness, humanity, gentleness and patience. But most of all Love, for love binds as all to one another. Life is defined by your choices and Colossians has helped me see that Life is bright, beautiful, and full of love. We only have to stop, look at our lives and what make us truly happy and fulfilled?

Please like and share. Comment below your thoughts and views on Bible journaling and the book of Colossians.

Until next time, stay blessed and safe

Billie x

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I have learned that through all highs & lows, God is always by my side. His love and light is unfailing, unconditional & forever. Come along on this journey with me as I dive deeper into my life in faith & the places this journey takes me.


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