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Find Your Voice

I have two questions for you - Do you use your voice? How do you use your voice?

God has given all his children a voice that holds power.

God reached out, touched my mouth, and said, “Look! I’ve just put my words in your mouth—hand-delivered! See what I’ve done? I’ve given you a job to do among nations and governments—a red-letter day! Your job is to pull up and tear down, take apart and demolish, And then start over, building and planting.” - Jeremiah 1:9 (MSG)

So why is using your voice so important? Your voice is one of the many gifts God has given you. You have been given the authority to share the message that God has put in your heart. The world is waiting for you to speak up and tell your story, to share the resurrection power of God’s love.

An example of how following God’s word can make the impossible possible. In Joshua 6 we find the story of how the Israelite's after wandering in the wilderness, came to enter the promised land. The last obstacle they faced was the warriors and walls of Jericho. The Israelite's didn’t fight their way into the city of Jericho, no they followed God’s plan obediently they marched around the walls of the city once a day for six days. On the seventh day they marched round seven times at first with only the trumpets sounding, no one was to even whisper a word. But when Joshua gave the signal they were all to use their voices to praise and shout to the Lord. When they did this all the walls came crashing down.

Just the power of their voices that the Lord had put in them made the walls come down. This can still happen today only the walls your voice can help bring down will most likely be internal, hidden from the world. Your voice and testimony can help others that you meet break down the walls that they may have built up over time.

The power of testimony is a great example of how your voice has power. When you share your testimony of a time God has touched your life, you give power to it, making it possible for it to happen again. You never know how your testimony could help or change someone else’s life.

Can you think of a time God has touched your life? Will you share it?

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1: 8-9

Have courage to use your voice. It can be hard at times to have courage to use your voice but as long as you give your heart to God he will always be with you, and your goals and dreams for life will be a godly path. When you become indecisive and start to question the power your voice has, that's when the enemy can get in and stop you using it.

You should always live a life that is true to yourself and not one others expect of you so don’t be afraid to speak up.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. - Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

As then and only then will you be living the life God has planned for you. He wants you to win and to keep climbing higher in life, as a life with God leading the way has no limit.

Please like and share. Leave a comment below of when God has touched your life.

Until next time, stay blessed and safe

Billie x



About Me


I have learned that through all highs & lows, God is always by my side. His love and light is unfailing, unconditional & forever. Come along on this journey with me as I dive deeper into my life in faith & the places this journey takes me.


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